Cast Polyurethane Ink Rollers

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Cast Polyurethane Ink Rollers

Tarak Purohit
Sales & Marketing
Cell: +91 9975 549 707

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Rollers to deliver a perfect transfer of ink

Cast Polyurethane Ink Rollers

PU is a popular material for use in Ink Rollers. The choice of PU material is important given the primary function of ink rollers, which is to adequately transfer the ink. The ink rollers are typically embedded in large equipment or printing machinery.

The printing applications could include a variety of applications for transfer of ink to paper, textiles, foils, paper, plastics, metals and many more.

Industries such as textiles, glass, leathers, roofing etc. use ink rollers. Specialised applications include barcodes or photographic printing on paper or plastic materials.

Twin’s machines are used by some of India’s leading PU Roller manufacturers for specialised applications such as UV printing and offset printing. Typically, these rollers are manufactured from Polyurethane hot cast toluene diisocyanate (TDI) elastomers. Materials are chosen and formulated based on the application to match the desired mechanical properties. Hardness levels can also be achieved with use of prepolymers. Clients choose Twin’s machines for the quality finish of these rollers that offer excellent printing results, consistently. The Clients use Twin’s machines to manufacture rollers in different configurations to meet the critical needs of the printing industry which include fine print, dimensional accuracy, high abrasion resistance. The rollers are developed as per the choice of different cylindrical sizes and diameters and OEM specifications.

Twin is also developing a machine for automating a Ribbon Cast™ Polyurethane System in which Rollers can be manufactured without the use of moulds.

Cast PU Machines for manufacturing of Ink Rollers

Twin’s Machines are used for automating the casting of a variety of PU materials suitable for the manufacturing of ink rollers.